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  • Welcome to the Download section!

    Here, you may upload your own main lesson blocks, parts of blocks, games or tutorials to either donate to the community or put up for sale! Only subscribers can view the downloads and use this section. Please visit our "How to Become a Content Creator" section on our Discussion forums and read our Download Section Rules and Terms. After you have read that, you can come back here and begin to upload and download lessons! You need to have a Paypal account to withdraw your funds for all the lessons you sell.

    Content Creators reserve ALL rights to their creations! You may remove your content at any time. We hope you really enjoy this homeschooling cooperative and find all the help you need creating your own custom curriculum! 💛

    *Please note you must have made at least one post (we recommend the Introduce Yourself thread on the community forum) before the system allows you to download files.


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      Annie Haas
      Annie Haas
      15 files  · 
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